Rest In Peace Benoit Family
Between yesterday and today updates of what transpired are flooding the internet, and news stations. It appears that Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son, then took his own life. I am not going to add a bunch of links to the articles, because that's not my entry is about. You see, I knew Chris Benoit once upon a time (and I am sure I had met his wife as well.) My family, and friends and myself are shocked and sickened that this has happened. I am heartbroken over it because three lives were taken. One of them, an innocent child. But I stand firm in my belief that they were ALL victims.
I know a lot of professional wrestlers, and years ago had been very friendly with them. In fact, to this day, I still keep in touch with (2) two guys who used to work for the (then) known as WWE. Ida and I used to travle to many a wrestling match, and have stories that would curl your hair. We still have many a laugh over old memories of who did what, in such a such town. There were many good times, and many happy memories. Unfortunatly the wrestling profession is a cruel one. It takes ALOT to make a name for yourself, and if by chance you do become an employee of the WWE, a massive amount of travling must take place. You can be on the road 300 days out of the year (as my one friend had been.) Family life becomes strained, and due to travel, and the 'work hours you keep' more than likely your unwind time will be at the hotel, or hotel bar. Injuries do occure even though the matches are 'written'. Drugs, pain killers, booze are all a part of your life. I'm not saying that ALL wrestlers who are professionals live such a dark life. But it is very easy to get sucked in to it. The easiest way to sum it up is, A WRESTLERS LIFE IS NOT AS GLAMOROUS AS IT SEEMS. My family and I actually know more wrestlers who have passed away due to drugs than we now know who are yet alive.
Yes, I had known Chris Benoit (as did some of my family.) Not as well as I knew several other wrestlers. But each time I was in his company, he was always pleasent, a wry smile on his face. He was shy and reserved but well liked and respected. Chris wasn't the one to tell a joke, but he sure appreciated one. He never was unkind, nor did he seem unhinged. Nancy (who went by the name 'Woman') alwso was well liked, and a very smart business woman. I don't recall meeting her, but I may have.
And they're gone. In a blink of an eye, Chris ended it all. Many people are up in arms, wrestling fans who never liked him. Wrestling fans who have now turned against him. People who don't like wrestling at all. Some people are quick to blame steroids, but the toxicolgy report has yet to come back. Some people are quick to judge him. But how can we? Do we REALLY know what happened? The answer is no. I ma not taking Chris's side in this. But perhaps he snapped (obviously he had.) Maybe he had mental problems. All I am saying is, try to remember the good of this man. And don't be so quick to blame him. Because Nancy and his son were not the only victims. Chris, somehow was too. I believe that. And I hope with all my heart that their friends and loved ones find peace one day.
Labels: death, wrestling.