Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

'Big Bad' said for me to WHAT??? What the hell is up with bosses???

Grrrrrrrr! Actually it shouldn't be grrr at all but, more a 'thank you' sir! When I had started my blog I ranted a lot about the two dumb-asses I work with. They are both mental, both drive me insane, and still both need their asses wiped for the most part. But I have come to learn that it's not just them. There are people all over the place who need others to walk them through every step of their daily lives. However this post brings me back to the office. And just think, you guys are lucky! Two entries in one day!
Most office support staff, secreteries, Administrative Assistants, etc. know that yesterday was 'Office Support Staff' day. I have come to not expect much from the people I work with, as some places (in the past) gave nothing, others made you feel guilty that they felt htey had to reward you for the hard work you put forward. And others still gave gifts which is more than nice. So yesterday I came in to the office not mentioning anything.
Any-who my (very nice and personable boss) and yes, I really mean that. He was kind enough to give me a BEAUTIFUL plant as a token of his gratitude. Not only did he thank me with such token, but he did give dipsey-doodle behind me a plant too. (That's another story for another post.) But it was nice, generous, and it made my day. Plus the color of the plant (poppy) suited me to a tee.
So now today, 'Big Bad' who has been giving my department a TON crap as of late in regards to work orders not being closed out. Work still pending from October of 2005. Work requests for simple things such as thermostat adjustments or light bulb changes going unanswered. Meetings being ran by 'Big Bad' that have, (and I shit you not), run for 2 hours minimum, to 4 hours and counting where he just rehashes and rambles on about the same topic week to week. He must have been visited by Jacob Marley early or something. Because today, Claire and I get an e-mail stating he would like to take the two of us (lovely) ladies {ok I added lovely } to lunch tomorrow. But here is where the zinger is. He has left it up to both Claire and I to seek the other two women we work with to cover the phones while the three of us are out lunching. Ok, co-worker (1) is cool, and she had been taken out yesterday for lunch. But co-worker (2) is the dingbat who works with me. The dingbat who snipped my roses down to nubs and pouted because she liked my plant color yesterday better.
So why? Why is it mine and Claire's job to seek coverage? If you're the boss, and have cloute...why can't you ensure coverage? If we're a team, shouldn't you as team captain make sure no teammate feels excluded or hurt. Why put us,k the foot soliders (so to speak) in the awkward posistion of asking, which is actually telling dingbat we need her to cover the phone while Claire and I both take lunch at 12:30.
Bosses! Gah!
And hey, 'Big Bad' the way. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Honestly...thank you.

Making plans aka the gall of people and the way they make plans

Ok, in my last post I raged about people posting private e-mails on public spaces. And I still don't agree with doing such. However I will post the body of an e-mail between me and a, I don't know what to call him. 'Friend'? 'Would-be suitor'? 'Friend with benefits'? 'Dumb-ass'? Anyway whatever he is, and I have to take half the blame as I somehow invite these types in to my life, I felt compelled to share this with you all. Because my anger is not directed solely at him. (And maybe I should have posted this in my Single Girl meets the Un-Incredibles.) More or less it is directed at people who can't make plans in a somewhat normal mannor. My apologies in advance if this one offends some of my regular readers.

**Please note my response will be in pink, his in gray. Read from bottom up.**

ya ! me too!!! well have fun. enjoy your weekend. i will be working tomorrow or sunday, (not sure what day i'll feel like working yet)


I am doing dinner and a movie w/ a friend of mine whom I have not seen in a month. The Denzel movie….’Inside Man’ or something like that. Really need to go blow off steam though…

not doing anything really, maybe go out for a couple. and your plans are to what..........?

Hey you…
I have plans for this evening. What are you doing tonight? How are you feeling? I am in and out of meetings all day today, so if ya want hit me back via e-mail.


been out all week in the field, just got back. so whats going on? doing anything later?


And this is where I will belly-ache. Because when I started socializing with this guy, we both acknowledged how crazy our work schedules are. Plus he has a 'very limited' schedule, which makes me believe there is more to his story than he is willing to share if you know what I mean. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*. But what has not been clearified is...did he expect me to drop plans with my friend for him? (I so did NOT), or was he just inquiring. And if he wanted to get together, then why not just ask? But if he had been wanting to get together with me last Friday, I had told him I needed 24 hours advance notice, because I would have to switch my shift at work to get out earlier. (Again this is due to his being on restricted schedule.) WHATEVER.

But other people who can't leave plans lie make me nuts too. I mean why make plans to meet on such-and-such date and time with so-and-so. But then every day from when you make the plans up until the day of the meeting they feel compelled to make sure things are a-go. And then, that morning STILL call you to confirm. Because no matter how nice and great I think I am...there is no way anyone can be THAT thrilled to get together with me. I am not one for breaking plans last minute...and have I ever left a friend hanging? Abso-fucking-lutely not. So if you and I make plans to get together, don't hound me to death about them. Is that so hard to understand?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Celebrity Stalkers hopping on board the crazy train

Celebrity: A celebrity is a person who is widely recognized (famous) in a society and commands a degree of public and media attention. The word stems from the Latin celebritas, itself from the adjective celeber meaning 'famous, celebrated'.
Fame is the major prerequisite for celebrity status, but not always sufficient. There has to be a level of public interest in the person which may or may not be connected to the reason they are famous. For example a public figure such as a politician, industry leader etc. may be famous but not a celebrity unless something else triggers public and media interest (e.g.
Virgin Director Richard Branson attempting to circumnavigate the globe in a balloon) Other types of fame, particularly those connected with mass entertainment are almost guaranteed to lead to celebrity even if the person deliberately avoids media attention. Examples of these are performers such as actors and musicians and athletes.
Definition taken from

But here is my question. Does one becoming a celebrity mean they must stop living life as a normal person? Are they required to give up every nuance of their life…forfeit their privacy? Because it seems more and more people in society seem to feel that the answer to these questions is a resounding Y-E-S. I for one do enjoy hearing the gossip of who is shagging whom in La-La Land…and am awaiting the birth of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s child. But I am not consumed with these snippets of information. And never would I stalk, harass or feel that these pieces of information are owed me. Maybe that is where I differ from the free world. Or could it be because I feel for these people. Because no matter what, they're just people. People who happen to entertain us for a living, people who most times are so shy that their own escape is to work in the entertainment field.

So excuse me when I saw, I HIGHLY disagree with how the blurb in green (below) was handled. And I have no qualms admitting that I copied it in green, as the woman who posted this is being consumed by the green-eyed monster of jealousey and is a full-time stalker. What she had done was publish e-mails between her and a friend of mine who happens to be on an ABC Soap Opera. It turns out she feels he was not keeping in touch with her as often as he should be, regardless of his working 12-14 hour days. So because he did not feed her enough information, her words not my own interpritation of this, she posted the e-mails containing his PERSONAL e-mail address. Shame on you Josi, I say! Shame on you!!! Read on my friends:

sentiments, "It's time to move on..."
As of April 23, 2006, the Michael Easton Corner Web Site has ceased to exist. I no longer have any desire to maintain this site and support this actor.
Thanks to all of you who have written to let me know how much you've enjoyed the site over the passed eight years. Many thanks also to those who have contributed to the site in various ways.
Goodbye and God Bless you. Josi

This is my retort to her and anyone else who feels that celebrities do not deserve respect, privacy and just the chance to live. And yes, I did post it else-where.

Posted: Apr 23 @ 02:54 PM
by: Orelinde (18 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: May 15, 2005
I was shocked today when my friend told me to sign on to the link and I found the 'good-bye' message from Josi. That was the last thing I was expecting to see. His perfomarnce when on Port Charles was extremly entertaining, and although I was appaled at first that Port Charles had a vampire on it, I was quickly sucked in. (No pun intended). When he moved on to OLTL, I was thrilled as he was coming to the East Coast, and that meant more possibilities of seeing him at events.I had met and spoken to Michael Easton several times, at events and was extremly impressed by him. He is a kind, caring, funny and personable man. He is shy, painfully shy to tell the truth, and very supportive to those who are fellow writers. Somehow I came across the web site before it was sanctioned by Michael. I enjoyed the site and 'befriended' a woman who also contributed to the site. After a while, Josi had a falling out with the woman (and for the best of me I can not remember the other woman's name now)...and I couldn't help but wonder who was truly at fault. Once Michael linked his name to the site, he promoted it ll the time, singing it's praises and commenting on how he was impressed with how it was handled even before he had gotten involved with the webmistress.However as time went on, I did notice how Josi began to appear to be a 'Michael hog', only she knew him. Only she was able to contact him. Yes it was her site...and yes she shouldn't be giving out personal information on him (or let alone anyone.) But don't be a name dropper or rub it in fan's faces that you are the one that has contact with him. No one likes that.Maybe it is because I have been down this road before. I have ben friends with public personalities. The fame and celebrity does not impress me once they become a friend. I like the person for who they are, not what they are or what they do. I have had my friend's lives tried to be infiltrated by groupies or fans or those just wanting to ride on their coat tails. I have had to deal with that fact that due to contracts they are not allowed to divulge certain industry secrets. And when they couldn't share something with me, I didn't hold it against them.As far as Michael being on OLTL and staying or leaving the show? He needs to do what is in the best of his interest. At the end of the day, Michael is supporting himself and his family. He has standards he lives up to. And if he feels his talent is not being used to the capcity it can be, then maybe it is time for him to move on. I can honestly say I have not enjoyed this whole John McBane thing for some time. And I LIKE Michael Easton.As far as Josi goes, with the posting of Michael's personal e-mail. That was RUDE, UNPROFESSIONAL, and just outright childish. As for her shutting down the site, I think it was premature, will bite her in the end and she will regret it. As for him forgetting to pay his phone bill? I like that! It shows he is no different than the rest of us! And for those of you who can't see this is a man who is just a regular joe, who happens to act for a living....that he is responsible to share his every bowel movement with the public? It is circumstances exactly such as this that make actors and celebrities so gunshy! Leave the man be. and Josi grow up!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Yoga Yenta's beware!!!

So it's official. Although I love having my edge, and enjoy being sarcastic feel something is going on with me. I know for a fact that I like this new empowerment that let's me say what I feel, and not let people use me as a door mat. Where it has come from, I have no idea. Maybe it's true, as a woman gets older, she settles in to her skin more. But although I enjoy this feeling, I also know that I do not want to become a certain someone. Being a b-i-t-c-h has its perks, and may be fun. But there is a fine line between being a bitch and being a ___________(you fill in the word you feel works for you.)
For some time now, I felt something missing from me. I needed peace, I needed quiet...I needed balance. I needed an outlet. Knitting, yeah want to do it...really I do. But have not made the time. Plus was hoping maybe someone else (who shall remain name-less) would knit me a handy-dandy coin purse. Reading & cooking, it's a passion of mine, nothing new to balance me out. So I found Hot Yoga.
Hot Yoga: a room that they heat up to 110 degrees farenheit to make your body sweat out toxins, burn fat, and to reduce risk of muscle injuries. Hot yoga....the place where you learn to make friend's with the people sweating along side you real fast. Hot yoga...a place where they do have showering facilities however you're only allowed a 3-minute shower should you elect to use the shower. And guess what! I love it! I can't get enough of it! Although a bit sore after my first class 2 weeks ago, I left with a HUGE smile on my face, realizing THIS is what I NEED. It cleared my mind, it forced me to gave me focus.
Once the class is finished, they allow you to rest on your mat and meditate (or get your whits back) or just refresh. They ask you to be mindful of the people around you who are still lingering about. They ask you to be concious of your voice leval's. **AND HERE BOYS & GIRLS IS WHERE I GO OFF ON TODAY"S TANGENT**.
Tuesday night I leave my office all psyched to get to Hot Yoga and work. I had brought my work out gear to change in to once I arrived, and with 15 minutes to go before the class started found some newbe's waiting to pay for their session. All they did was chatter, non-stop. They stood in the middle of the waiting area, taking up bench space, and blocking the entrance in to the HOT room. I took a deep breath and exhaled. Nothing would ruin my excitment for class, or darken my mood. The class was pretty uneventful, people getting int o their zones, grunting, trying not to explode,implode, fall in to a thousand pieces.
At the wrap up of the session, as we begin to meditate, with the lights out, the instructer hears murmurmering. Looking over, she notices the said girls from above chit-chatting in hushed tones. Loud enough to be annoying, but low enough not to really hear what they're saying. She asks them to be mindful of the people around her, and not to talk. They sulk. Once I am ready to leave, I go in to the locker room to gather my bag. THERE ARE THOSE SAME GIRLS! YAPPING me the look like 'fuck off you're disturbing us' when I kindly ask them to excuse me as I scoot around. Chatting loudly about where they're discussing where they are going to go, who they're hanging out with etc. Why? Why do that here? Why not wait until you get to the parking lot? Why be unmindful of those in the other room who can hear your annoying peels of giggles? What the hell did you just get from your yoga session?
Because I know what I get from it. I am relaxed, I am at peace...and I like holding on to that feeling as long as possible. I am not saying I'm all high and mighty and the yoga guru of the world. Because I SO am NOT. But just get a grip. Squeely, giggly girls weren't attactive traits or fun to be around when I was in school. It hasn't changed for me now. So when I am at yoga, shut your yoga and leave. I am sure the rest of my classmates would not disagree with me. Yoga Yenta's go take ti-bo!

I wanna be a pirate!

My pirate name is:
Bloody Bess Rackham
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from

Monday, April 10, 2006

Family and the holidays (any holiday...just pick one damn it!)

Spring is in the air...and with it the smells of chocolate. Easter bunny chocolate...Cadbury speckled eggs, M&M's a new and improved (how the hell do you improve M&M's) varieties, Twix, 3 Muskater's, and Reece's Peanut Butter cups all encased in pastel wrappers. And with the purchasing of candies, and fighting the throngs of crazed shoppers in Wal-Mart or Target, your mind races to the actual holiday day. The one where you'll be facing family. 13 other family members (or more if your even more unlucky). Cousins upon cousin's, where their children continue to mock your height (as they tower over you), or cling to their mother who is freakishly quiet. Where you stare at one another and bite your lip just to keep yourself from blurting out: 'What the hell were you thinking when you decided to cook that? Did you ever hear of a recipe?'
But I jump ahead. Because it isn't necessarily the actual holiday you dread. Perhaps it is the preparation. Take for example the menu planning and grocery shopping. Because everyone thinks they can cook. And people have their specialties that they can cook. And yet there are others (and I am blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it) to have several in my family. Take my mother and our cousin. Oh, they will watch the cooking network for hours on end, 'ooohhhing' and 'ahhhing' over the delicious things Emril or Rachel or Paula creates. They'll even go as far as to print out the recipe. But do they ever follow the recipe??? Maybe I should rephrase- do they follow the instructions or exact ingredients??? Hell no. Because what's the fun in that? Why should they listen to the experts? (And I digress) Why not try the WHITE POTATOES FROM A CAN THAT ARE PLUNKED IN MAPLE SYRUP WITH MARSHMALLOW MELTED ON TOP IN A FORM OF CANDIED WHITE POTATOES before you turn your nose up at them. If you can have candied sweet potatoes, why not candied white ones?
And what may I ask is so wrong with buying the ingredients off the shopping list that has been created for you per your request? If on the list is written (2 Lbs.) SMALL red potatoes, what on God's green earth would possess you to purchase 5 Lbs. of LARGE red potatoes. And instead of going to a normal grocery store, why would you drag your shopping buddy to a Produce Market/ Best Yet type of place. You know what I'm talking about...the one where all non-produce items are jacked up on cost? And Then you complain about it, and refuse to buy more than your normal grocery shopping of: carton of milk, loaf of bread, and okay instead of (1) dozen eggs buy (4). And being that not everyone likes to eat the old food, from when you were a kid...Whether it be for diet or health issues; GET OVER IT. The past is the past.

Let's go back to the candy. Growing up, I never felt like I lived in Willie Wonka's chocolate factory. I never was allowed to indulge in mass quantities of chocolate. Not that I ever felt deprived, mind you. But I'm 29 for God's sake. If I go in to my dining room, this is what we have:

  1. multiple boxes of small Russell Stover Chocolate bunnies (aprox. 5)
  2. marshmallow Eggs
  3. 2 boxes of the hollow bunnies
  4. Jelly Beans (fruity flavored)
  5. Jelly Beans (spiced kind)
  6. Peeps (because marshmallow eggs isn't enough marshmallow)
  7. Truffle Bunnies (Hershey)
  8. Butterfinger mini eggs

Let me remind you all, there are no small children in my house. And the relatives that we'll be blessed with having on Easter Sunday? There is only one of them, under the ager of 15. So what the hell is with all the candy?

Which brings me back to the relatives. Spots on the couch will be fought over, because you know people will be wanting their naps. (Yes, naps are big with certain relatives). The same remarks about height, relationship status, requests to borrow movies or books will have to be artfully dodged. I'll count the minutes until I can sneak out for a smoke, or call one of my best friend's to see if they will let me escape to their house. But if I try to escape, have the other relative, and their company (across the street) to contend with. And should I come in to contact with them, will be questioned about my escape plan. And even if I can get the escape offer, will I have the energy to actually follow up? Because you know damn one ever arrives when they're supposed to. So no one leaves your house on time either. And when you've been cooking for 48 hours, no thanks to mother-dearest's assistance...all you'll want to do is take a nap.

But you can't. Because there are the relatives. All spread out over the 'bordello' couch. Watching your tv....and not making any room for you.

Holiday movies not to be missed:

The Ref

Home For The Holidays

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ode to Piccu

Piccu....Piccu....where you be?
Piccu...Piccu you're just as sarcastic as me.
Our views seem to run the same....
nothing about our tounges or whit is tame.
At least there is someone in the world other than my family;
who does not think this blog lame.
Piccu...Piccu....don't you fret.
I am giving in easily, and wrote a poem in your honour.
Nothing is better than that...except maybe my two cats!
So it is time for me to get the hell out of dodge.
Piccu, tomorrow there will be another post in this crazy blog.

Totally nothing sarcastic about this

You Are Brownie Batter Ice Cream
You've been known to lick *everything* clean
What Flavor Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen!

Why? Why oh why do I bitch and complain about dinner not being ready when my ass gets home from a grueling day in the office. I'm not married, nor do I have kids. So I can't expect dinner to be prepaired by a spouse or chillen's. But I rent out of my mother's house, to help her and Ida (Ida who is out on disability) keep the house.

Not only do I do the grocery shopping, and various duties, but I cook too. However there are some nights when there is just NO MORE ENERGY when I get home to cook. So that's when I get cranky, when I find Ida and my mother watching tv, and dinner isn't ready.

Anyway Monday night I get home, and my mother has been home lounging on the couch. Ida had put together a salad which was cool. I went up to change, and got stuck on the computer chatting w/ a friend in Arizona. Anyway, by the time my mother decided she 'couldn't wait for me to decide to cook' put Lentil soup on.

Now guys & girls this is Lentil Soup from a can. We're talking Progesso. The type of soup you pop the top of the can, pour in pot and heat until boiling or near boiling. Not too difficult. Huh? So you can only believe my shock and horror to find that when emptying the pot to put in the dish washer, soup was scorched (smashed baked on lentils and all) to the bottom of the pot! WHO THE HELL CAN MANAGE BURNING SOUP???? While standing there in front of the stove no less???
And you can only imagine my further amusement when the next morning she said to Ida that she no longer can eat lentils. She wasn't feeling well from the soup.
So ok. I am cranky. I like to have a hot meal waiting for me from time to time. Am I wrong for that? But should I get pissy, knowing that my mother is such a poor cook that she burns soup? Or should I take pity on her that even her own cooking gets her ill?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

They're trying to get me and stuff that isn't co-worker related

Ok, so I am writting in 'Arial' font, and even though I said this post wouldn't be co-worker related I do have to mention the office. The director of my department...the high mucky-muck wants all reports to be typed in 'Arial' or 'Times' font, size 12. Which, ok...that's what he wants and he's the high mucky muck. But whenever I think of Arial font, I think of 'The Little Mermaid' spelling or incorrect spelling be damned. But what bugs me is 'Big Bad' and 'The Chiref' think this too. Which makes me I relly in sync with them?

Last night went to happy hour and had a lovely time with some friends. (Friends who yet again happen to be co-workers). Damn, can't get away from the coworker thing. :-) Anyway sometime during the night my aunt (who is mad cool and funny as hell) calls and leaves me this message, sounding panicked as (and I quote): 'Someone has been trying to get me. I don't know who it is but I'm unpstairs and someone is trying to get me. I don't know what to do.' Now ok, you all have to understand...this is a woman who has been my rock all my life. If anything, and I mean ANYTHING happened to her....I'd lose it. Also, Ida is handicapped, so if 'someone is trying to get her', she doesn't have much ability to run away and save herself.

So what do I do, in a panic, I run outside, fag hanging from my mouth, and call home. Who answers? I'll tell you who. My mother. The woman who can't be bothered with us, and is living in the fabulous world of 'Lucretia' (i.e. herself. ) So here's the conversation:

'Where's Ida?'
'Outside. Why?'
'What do you mean outside? Why is she outside? Why did you let her go outside?'
'She has broken glass. What do you mean why'd I let her go outside?'
'Why is there broken glass? Where is Ida? Is she ok?'
'I just told you. She's outside. She wanted to go outside.'
'Alone? Why the hell did you let her go outside alone? They're trying to get her!'
(Now please note...I was no where near drunk)
'Just what the heck are you talking about?'
'Who is this?'
'What? What do you mean who is this?'
*Gritting teeth* "Who am I speaking to? Where is Ida?'
'This is your mother. Now what are you talking about?'
'Ida left me a message someone is trying to get her.'
*Laughing* 'Maybe she meant the cats.'
And that is where I terminated the conversation. Because although I was absolutly insane, and panicking for no reason. She was just being unreasonable. If indeed I am saying blah, blah, blah...maybe she shouldn't just fluff it off. Maybe Ida was scared someone was trying to get her. In the long run, Ida called me back and left me a message that everything was ok...she was 100% safe. It was someone who kept calling her on the phone, but she couldn't get to the phone in time and they wouldn't leave a message.
But it's due to my mother's lack of interest in my life, and actual lack of concern for anyone else that has me say: Should the shoe be on the other foot and she had left me the insane message someone was trying to get her. I wouldn't have reacted in the panick I was in. I would have just have to deal with the fact that when I got home, perhaps she had been abducted by aliens wanting to do an anal probe on her.