Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Yoga Yenta's beware!!!

So it's official. Although I love having my edge, and enjoy being sarcastic feel something is going on with me. I know for a fact that I like this new empowerment that let's me say what I feel, and not let people use me as a door mat. Where it has come from, I have no idea. Maybe it's true, as a woman gets older, she settles in to her skin more. But although I enjoy this feeling, I also know that I do not want to become a certain someone. Being a b-i-t-c-h has its perks, and may be fun. But there is a fine line between being a bitch and being a ___________(you fill in the word you feel works for you.)
For some time now, I felt something missing from me. I needed peace, I needed quiet...I needed balance. I needed an outlet. Knitting, yeah want to do it...really I do. But have not made the time. Plus was hoping maybe someone else (who shall remain name-less) would knit me a handy-dandy coin purse. Reading & cooking, it's a passion of mine, nothing new to balance me out. So I found Hot Yoga.
Hot Yoga: a room that they heat up to 110 degrees farenheit to make your body sweat out toxins, burn fat, and to reduce risk of muscle injuries. Hot yoga....the place where you learn to make friend's with the people sweating along side you real fast. Hot yoga...a place where they do have showering facilities however you're only allowed a 3-minute shower should you elect to use the shower. And guess what! I love it! I can't get enough of it! Although a bit sore after my first class 2 weeks ago, I left with a HUGE smile on my face, realizing THIS is what I NEED. It cleared my mind, it forced me to gave me focus.
Once the class is finished, they allow you to rest on your mat and meditate (or get your whits back) or just refresh. They ask you to be mindful of the people around you who are still lingering about. They ask you to be concious of your voice leval's. **AND HERE BOYS & GIRLS IS WHERE I GO OFF ON TODAY"S TANGENT**.
Tuesday night I leave my office all psyched to get to Hot Yoga and work. I had brought my work out gear to change in to once I arrived, and with 15 minutes to go before the class started found some newbe's waiting to pay for their session. All they did was chatter, non-stop. They stood in the middle of the waiting area, taking up bench space, and blocking the entrance in to the HOT room. I took a deep breath and exhaled. Nothing would ruin my excitment for class, or darken my mood. The class was pretty uneventful, people getting int o their zones, grunting, trying not to explode,implode, fall in to a thousand pieces.
At the wrap up of the session, as we begin to meditate, with the lights out, the instructer hears murmurmering. Looking over, she notices the said girls from above chit-chatting in hushed tones. Loud enough to be annoying, but low enough not to really hear what they're saying. She asks them to be mindful of the people around her, and not to talk. They sulk. Once I am ready to leave, I go in to the locker room to gather my bag. THERE ARE THOSE SAME GIRLS! YAPPING me the look like 'fuck off you're disturbing us' when I kindly ask them to excuse me as I scoot around. Chatting loudly about where they're discussing where they are going to go, who they're hanging out with etc. Why? Why do that here? Why not wait until you get to the parking lot? Why be unmindful of those in the other room who can hear your annoying peels of giggles? What the hell did you just get from your yoga session?
Because I know what I get from it. I am relaxed, I am at peace...and I like holding on to that feeling as long as possible. I am not saying I'm all high and mighty and the yoga guru of the world. Because I SO am NOT. But just get a grip. Squeely, giggly girls weren't attactive traits or fun to be around when I was in school. It hasn't changed for me now. So when I am at yoga, shut your yoga and leave. I am sure the rest of my classmates would not disagree with me. Yoga Yenta's go take ti-bo!


  • At 3:40 PM , Blogger Piccu said...

    I kind of get the same effect from the elliptical trainer. You just run and sweat and listen to music and think. It really does help you unwind. I need to get back to that.

    I had read about hot yoga a few months ago in Time or Men's Health, sounded kind of "cool," but we never get that kind of stuff in this neck of the woods and besides I am no where near flexible enough to do it. I would pop a hammy or a gut trying to do yoga. I think I will stick to running.

  • At 11:28 AM , Blogger claire said...

    You want me to make you a coin purse? I can do that for you if you like. :) I'm sorry if i missed a hint some time ago...

    That really does sound like a great class. I'm trying to find something that's just slightly more convenient to my time schedule and still - maybe not as HOT.

    Stupid chippies. They know not what they do...

  • At 11:41 AM , Blogger Orelinde_03 said...

    Claire....I LOVE your coin purse. You do not need to knit one for me. I need to learn how to do it. I need to learn how to knit. I was just so impressed with yours. Plus I thought it would look good in la blog to throw that in there. :-)

    I so want us to be work-out buddies or something. If you find something that works with your schedule let me know. Plus we should try our skills at roller blading since the weather is getting nicer again.


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