Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I have come to despise the people I 'work' with

Once upon a time, I loved coming to work, at the place where I work. I believe I've mentioned that in several of my past posts about the ninth ring of hell that I work in. My boss, 'The Chief' is fine to work for; a fair boss, and a nice man. However there are other people in my department who just make me want to hurl something (most times the desire to hurl something SHARP) at them. To date, this has been 'Big Dick', who was formally refered to as 'Big Bad.'
Let me digress....I basically have no office support in my department any longer. A (now ex-employee) last summer just upped and walked out in the middle of a morning. Claire transfered to another department recently. The girl whom they moved in to her Claire's old posistion decided to pull a vanishing act (aside from going out on maternity leave.) So we're expecting her to come back at the end of this year, but WHO REALLY KNOWS. So now that leaves: YOURS TRULY, a part-timer (who is refered to as 1/2 the bane to my existance), and another woman who we'll kindly refer to as 'Queen Bee.'
'Queen Bee' now has to spend a few hours each day filling in the slot that Claire used to have. Part-time girl is never here, even when she IS here. And 'Big Dick'? Well, he just is worse than ever, making his usual sweeps through my office, trying to be large and in charge on things he can't even figure out. He has now enforced a nor personal phone call rule for both cell phones or desk phones. I am not even allowed to talk to Claire during work hours, or make eye contact with her if she comes to my office on business related issues. God forbid I have to use the ladies room. OH.....MY...GOD. If the phone goes to voice mail, 'Big Dick' goes in to a tizzy. Then he calls me, looking to see if Part-Time Girl is in my office. Because, you know heaven forbid she do something known as work.
Anyway, my biggest gripe is being that 'Queen Bee' chips in and spends a few hours each day helping out, she has taken to treating me like HER personal employee. And with that, I share with you an e-mail I got from her, and then also the one I sent back in reply. Perhaps I should not have...but I was so mad, that what my reply was...was the most neutral I could come up with.
e-mail to me: Subject: ADT Alarm Notifications

Hi Rose,

In the event that ADT calls the Helpdesk about an alarm, I want to make sure you know that details of the alarm should be noted and passed on to a supervisor/manager right away. Be sure to find out; what type of alarm, what site, zone, etc. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to get the name of the person calling. Please don’t forward these calls to anyone, particularly if you’re not certain they are at their desk.

Call me if you have any questions – this email is just a reiteration for future reference.

'Queen Bee' (I had to change her name here for my safty.)
e-mail from me back to 'Queen Bee'
'Queen Bee',
And who would that be? Because basically it’s just me. Can it be established as to what the procedure is if no supervisors are available to take an ADT call?

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