Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Mc-Kittens are on to me!!!

People are broken down in to two catagories: "Dog-lovers" and "Cat-lovers". I have come to find that where most dog lovers do not like cats....most cat lovers like animals in general. And there is also the argument about how smart animals actually are. How much do they understand, and do they just like the people who feed them.
Well, I must say that my two cats, Pooka and Cro`i ARE smarter than your average bear. :-)
They are waiting for me by the front door when I get home from work, and if I stay out late, Pooka is usually waiting for me by the door as if to say 'where were you, young lady?' Both he and his sister will then proceed to 'tie' me in bed, with Cro`i taking her sleep stretched over or between my knees and him over my ankles as if to say 'ha-ha...we've got you trapped in bed now. No escaping us!' If I am sleeping and they try to wake me in the morning, and I tell them '10 more minutes', they will go away and come back in exactly 10 minutes. And ok, that may just be a coincodence (that they can tell time) but it is still a cool fact.
Well, anyway, this Thursday I am going away for a long weekend. And I am taking Ida with me. So this means not only will we both be missing the mc-kittens....but mum will be in charge of taking care of my two lumps o' love. This can either be THE bonding moment for those three or be the cause of several nervous breakdown's. Any-who, this is why I think the mc-kittens are on to me.
Yesterday I had gone out for brunch with my cousin Maureen, and upon my return to the house, found mum and Ida gone. With the house to ourselves, and being exhausted from a wild weekend of a surprise birthday party thrown for me (on Saturday), and being out late Friday night I needed a nap. Normally Pooka and Cro`i sleep with me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But yesterday afternoon, they were curled by my feet and along my side as if to say 'we need to feel you momma'. Then again last night, I had the two of them with me, being little bed hogs, because if I scooted to get more space, they were scooting to be closer to me. Thus I sometimes contorted my body in to odd posistions so as not to disturb them, yet to have my space. This morning when I got out of the shower, Pooka was in the bathroom, wanting nothing but lovin's, tolorating my kisses, and giving pitiful meow's that broke my heart...should I not acknowledge him.
Yeah, yeah i know what you all will say. By not kicking them out of bed, I give them total control. By going on and on about them, I sound a bit like 'crazy cat lady'. But they are just soooo cute. And there are so many things they do, that make them seem 'human' at times. As for their behaviour from yesterday in to this morning, I think they both know that I am going to be going away yet again. And I think they're trying to get as much 'mommy time' as their little bodies can absorb. So yeah, I think they're on to me.


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