Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Silly question...yet I am asking in serious curiosity

I tried to Google this subject this morning, yet nothing had come up. So I will continue to try and research this matter, but I was wondering if anyone else could share insight, opinion or knows of any documentations. And yes, this is a cat-related issue....and no I am not going wacky. I just find this very odd....especially for Pooka.

When we first got Pooka and his sister (Cro`i) he was a very stand-offish cat. Not mean but he wasn't one for cuddling or being held. However he was always loveable and a good cat. Over the years his personality HAS changed, and we affectionatly refer to him as a 'Momma's boy' although he is still not as cuddly as Cro`i. Cro`i is the type of cat that needs body contact, and has made it a habit of sleeping between my knees on a nightly basis. Pooka rather sleep near my feet or not far off but in eye's sight.

Anyway, Saturday night Ida, me and the cats settled down to watch the horror movie 'Dark Water', and Ida drifted off to sleep as did Cro`i. So there is me and Pooka, after midnight, sitting in the dark watching this movie. And like I said...I LIKE HORROR flicks. Slashers don't frighten me as much as the supernatural stuff does. And 'Dark Water' has a ghost....a little girl ghost...who is very strong willed. (Don't want to give away any secrets for those who have yet to see this movie.) And I was getting scared, or if not scared...let's go with spooked. Well, next thing I knew, Pooka came and sat on my lap...and needed to be petted. Joking around I asked him if he was scared, and he stayed with me a bit, then slept hugging my feet. On SUnday, I joked around with mom and Ida stating that Pooka and I were scared together fromt he movie.

Last night, Ida, me and the mc-kittens (who are going on 4 years old I believe), watched: "Anaconda's: Search for the blood orchid" or something to that effect. 3/4 of the way through the movie (which I was not scared of except at one point I jumped, Pooka came to me again. He needed lovin's, and kneaded me like they do their momma cats when nursing. This morning as I was waking up he did it again.

And here is my question: Is this just a coincodence? Is Pooka just wanting more time with his 'momma' and wants to play? Or can it be that horror movies can affect animals, and Pooka is scared? And no, I am not taking him to a pet pschychologist.


  • At 9:04 AM , Blogger Piccu said...

    I think cat's are just insane animals. They do what they want when they want and for no reason at all.

  • At 10:08 AM , Blogger Orelinde_03 said...

    Yeppers, cats are kooky creatures. Guess that is why I have 2! They make life interesting that's for sure.

    I am just surprised I couldn't find any articles about it on line though. Then again I didn't invest too much time and energy doing such.

  • At 12:10 PM , Blogger claire said...

    i REALLY don't think that your cat was affected by the movie on the TV. They have no idea what they're looking at and i really don't believe that their fur-brains can process the images.

    what i DO believe is that he may have noticed that there was something off with you while you were watching it. The brain releases chemicals when we are afraid and there is probably a scent produced by the chemicals that the animals can smell thru your skin.
    i really have no idea if he thought he was comforting you or if he was just trying to figure out what was going on.

    either way, people say animals are intuitive. meh.

  • At 1:28 PM , Blogger Orelinde_03 said...

    Thanks ma! You are ALWAYS the voice of reason. {And, nope Claire is not my real ma...just an extremly rational friend of mine.}

    Wonder if crazy-cat-lady-cousin would tsk me for allowing Pooka to watch such shows with me.

    Both he and Cro`i do seem to know when I am feeling poopy or am upset. So I guess from my behaviour, and said chemical thing they can sense stuff.


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