Blaze has out-stayed her welcome
Blaze is a great dog, don't get me wrong. She is just TOO MUCH dog, and we can't handle her. She has been through puppy school 1 and 1/2 times, and does not grasp the concept of certain commands. And when you repromand her, she all but laughes at you and defies you even more. She still has the habit of mouthing, and jumping but with Ida in the house, we can't afford to have Blaze knock her down. (As it is, Ida fell and fractured her foot two weeks ago.)
There are alot of mixed emotions in our house. We want to keep her so badly, as we love her. But on the other hand she is making us go mad. When she is go, she is a great dog. But when she is bad, she is satanic. We even thought about getting a smaller dog (as we DO want a dog) but she has us so exhausted, that we've opted not to go that route.
Labels: Blaze the wonder pup, Pet Training, puppy
At 3:44 PM ,
Tami said...
So, is she going down (to another home) in a Blaze of Glory, then?
And, is she somehow related to my cat? She (the freak kitty) has taken to biting the backs/sides of my knees and the top of my feet while I'm standing still.
At 12:27 PM ,
Orelinde_03 said...
I was FINALLY able to get her back to Bide-A-Wee shelter (which is where I adopted her from.) At first they didn't want to take her back, stating she was just doing puppy things and could be retrained.
However on Wednesday, when I took her back, she was doing all the stuff she does at my house (with the hyperness, not obeying, being BAD), at first the behavorial specialist was like 'oh it's her being a puppy'. But then she realized that Blaze is the type of dog who is (a) an alpha-dog, not willing to listen to someone who tries to be authorative, (b) feeds off of even if the house was quiet, and I was telling my mother a story, and got animated BLAZE would feed off that and get wild, (c) she is just a very powerful dog who drew blood with her mouthing, and was terrorizing us. Sandra at Bide-A-Wee said that if a pet does not bring joy to a home, that that animal is not for that home, and she was actually able to witness how this dog ran over us.
What cracks me up is that Bide-A-Wee wanted a donation to take her back. (Which I did not give them.) Also the manager, Carol was not sympathetic to our plight, and I even said to her that they were making me give up a member of my family, and that they lied to us from day one on how she would grow and her temperment. The bitch (and I mean Carol here....was just all 'oh, sorry it didn't work out. A pet is a big committment.)DUH!!! I've had dogs before....and I know how to handle them. And double DUH...I have (2) cats who got along with Blaze, and seem to be missing her, so I understand what responsibilities come with owning pets.
Are you talking about Gracie? Why has she taken to nipping? How long have you had her? Is she not feeling well? Pooka is a bit of a nipper when he is hungry or wants goodies. Cro`i is my little lovie. Pooka nips my calves or knees when he wants something. Cats! Go figure!
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