Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday Madness, and weekend recap

So it's Monday, and another week of hecticness in the office. 'The Chief' didn't come in to work today, and I'm concerned. 'The Chief' is one of those people who don't miss a day of work for ANYTHING. He had gone on vacation a few weeks back (because each year if we don't use our time, we lose our time), and got sick. Then he came back to work and deels with all the bullcrap, and stress and has gotten sicker. Last week it sounded like he would cugh up a lung,,,and finally relented on Friday to leave work early, and go to the doctor. Now today he is out again, and I'm concerned.

9 More days until Salem, MA! I am counting like a school kid ticks off the day until winter recess. Peace and quiet, and complete autumn weather. Delicious foods on turkey day, and some Christmas shopping to boot. Oh, the dude from The Hawthorne Hotel did call me on Thursday night to see if I wanted to book the 11am Thanksgiving dinner reservation. He was polite, and not at all snarky (of course I didn't say 'hey dude...I'm the chick you blasted in her own blog.') But again, I had to for-go an 11am Thanksgiving dinner, because who the hell can eat dinner that early? And when I asked him if they had later seatings, was told absolutly not! *Shrugs* I give up. So Turkey day WILL be spent at the Boston, Omni Parker House.

Last night I watched Desperate Housewives, and can honestly say I'm just not feeling it this season. I watch for lack of more amusing programming at that hour (for me anyway), but plus I hate giving up on shows I used to love. last weeks episode kicked ass, in my opinion. I had figured they'd bump off Nora....but it was done in just a calculated, and cold way it was classic. Have to say though, that last night's episode is haunting me, and not in a good way. When Lynnette and Parker ventured in to 'Protector Man's' house without being invited in, I knew we'd be in for some kind of jolt. I figured we'd see him and his invalid sister getting it on or something. (No...I'm not a perv, just trying to think like the writers would.) Instead we find pictures of half naked young boys hung up, in a VERY Sexual pervert way. Why? Why'd they have to go in that direction? Why not have 'Protector Man' be a GOOD, DECENT guy, who'd be considered abnormal, for being a normal man on Wysteria Lane? In todays world where too many horrors happen to children, I find this being in poor taste to be written in to the show. A show which is black comedy. If indeed this character is a child molestor, than it is Lynnette's duty to report what she found, although she had been in his home illeagly. If she does not report it, it really shows what poor parenting skills she has.

Ok, I've vented enough. Time for me to get back to work. :-)


  • At 4:06 PM , Blogger Tami said...

    I was quite disturbed by that Protector Man bit myself. I figured it was a child molester thing when they went down to the basement. The pictures plastered over the wall were a bit much though. The rest was indicative enough - given the similarity to Michael Jackson's little toyland.

    And then the bit with the girl scout? I have a feeling Lynette will be doing some reporting on next week's episode.

  • At 4:19 PM , Blogger Orelinde_03 said...

    Oh yeah! I'd forgotten the ending, with the girl scout. That too makes him look very devious.

    I'm really unhappy with how mean they're making Edie, with the whole Mike thing too.

    And notice how they're phasing the guys out of the show and focusing on the women?


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