Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11/06...5 year anniversary and not any easier

It's funny how time changes things, and yet we stay the same. Pre- September 11, 2001 the American people were cocky, self centered, and pretty much wanted to live their lives on their own time and their own way. But then tragedy stuck New York City and Washington D.C....and the American nation came to realize that we needed to band together and act as one united voice. People from the other states gave of themselves freely and without hesitation; whether it was monetary, or physical, or emotionally or tradewise. The United States of America became one. Prayer groups and nightly vigils were held during our time of darkness and people's faith was restored both religiously and in mankind.

So it had taken a tragedy such as this to make us change. To remind us to be kind to one another. Be a little more friendly, a little more considerate, helpful or patient. But yet we stay the same. And this realization has made me sad.

Tonight I attended a memorial Mass at my church, along with my mom and my aunt. And as the service was taking place, I found myself glancing around the church, and noticing how empty the pews were. And when I say empty...I figured there was probably 35-40 people in our large church attending this mass, praying for peace and mourning those we lost. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. Where was everybody? Five years ago the church would be extra-crowded on Sundays. And at the one and two year anniversary of 9/11 the church was very crowded as people came together. But tonight the building was practically empty. Why? Is it that we're forgetting what happened? Hell no...we'll never forget, being that we lived it first hand. And the media and Hollywood most certainly won't ever let us forget it.

No...the church was very empty for another reason. And I think that it's because we're forgetting what we had learned. People have reverted back to their old ways. Once again we've become a 'me' society, instead of a 'we'. We're not as kind as we had once been a few years back....we don't give smiles as easily or freely and patience and consideration, well that's flying right out the window. Saturday Ida and I had gone to the Aquarium...and a woman with a son who who was maybe 4 years old shoved Ida (who walks with a cane) so they could get past her to get a seat at the Sea Lion show. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? IDA WALKS WITH A CANE! WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING YOUR CHILD? Which brings me back to 9/11 and tonight. People couldn't be bothered attending the memorial service, not because they forgot or couldn't cope. But because it interfered with their dinner plans or schedules.

As I sat in church tonight, two fire fighters came in to attend the service and they were in their dress uniforms. I didn't know them. But I began to get teary-eyed. Because these are men who give their lives to keeping people and their homes safe. These are men who lost their comrades and maybe even partcipated in the Twin Tower attacks five years ago. And by lack of attendees tonight at church, made me realize that people are forgetting that people not only risked their lives (and lost lives) on that horrific day. But they continue to risk their lives for us.

I won't go on any further on this matter, because I don't want to sound too preach-y. But let's remember our fellow man. Let's give a helping hand, or a little smile. And let's remember that we're all in this world...this life together. Let's not forget.


  • At 10:24 AM , Blogger Piccu said...

    That is just the way of the world. It has gone on like that for years. Something happens and we realize there are more important things in life and as time goes on we revert back to the way we were. Time heals all wounds, but we should not forget what happened.

  • At 12:29 PM , Blogger Orelinde_03 said...

    True that. And to not move on isn't the answer. We're both saying that. But we shouldn't forget.

    Oh well, I was in a meloncholy mood when I wrote this one. *shrugs*.

  • At 3:16 PM , Blogger Piccu said...

    I think we all were on that day.


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