Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lawmakers Reject Bill to Honor Bono -and Stupid politician crap

**Okay, just as a precursor, this is an article I found on AOL this morning when I signed on to check mail and kill time before dragging my butt to work. I happen to appreciate the work, and respect Bono for what he is trying to do with the third world countries. Like him, hate him, whatever. But don't politicians think any more before they open their mouths? Don't politicians have advisors and speach writers who say, 'erm mayhap you phrase this differently?' I don't know what the hell is going on these days, but people really need to think before they speak, and try to realize that the world isn't as large as it used to be. Maybe I should just go ahead and say I can't tolorate ignorance?**

Lawmakers Reject Bill to Honor Bono
BISMARCK, N.D. (Feb. 16) - Bono has plenty of fans. But don't count North Dakota lawmakers among them.

Lawmakers in the House defeated a resolution 58-35 Thursday to honor the U2 frontman for his advocacy of debt relief for Third World countries, saying the Irish rocker had no connection to the state.

Fargo state Rep. Scot Kelsh, who sponsored the measure, said he got the idea for the resolution from a magazine published by the National Conference of State Legislatures, which mentioned that no state at the time had approved a resolution to honor the singer.

"This is something that does not matter to us as citizens of North Dakota, the United States, and the world at large," Kelsh said.

Rep. Gil Herbel, a Republican, said he initially thought the resolution referred to Sonny Bono , the former singer, Republican congressman and husband of Cher .

"When I saw the resolution, I was looking for Cher 's name in there," Herbel said.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2007-02-16 06:50:23


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