Sarcasm & Cynicism...served up by Single Grl

Life is full of stories and as they say the truth is stranger than fiction. Ask who knows me. I may speak softly, and I may look sweet. But under NO circumstances think for just one second that what you see is what you get. Because when you know me, know the real me you know that I'm anything but what you see. Most of the time. So read on my friends. And you will catch my gripping, views, sarcasm and dry of whit. Read on....I dare you.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I’m a Good Share-er Mommy…See?

Last night, as I was in the kitchen, trying to do three things at once (as usual) and I was exhausted. Because you know….I think I am Wonder Woman, when really I am just Super Girl. For example: due to summer hours at work, I am in the office until 5:30 at night, which is not anything different, as I usually work late anyway. But then, I stopped off for tanning, and then home to pick up Ida (and mom by the way) and ran to the craft store Michaela, the party supply store Party Hardy, and then stopped off for dinner. Hence our getting home at 9:15 at night, and I still had to get things done.

Because I have failed to mention that Ida convinced me to start a side business with her. Shah! I am the one doing the works, not her. But wanting to get our company name out there, promised Pal-O-Mine a basket to raffle off (full of our goods) at their event which is taking place at Belmont Race Track on June 1st. So for the past week and a half, I have been making handmade soaps, candles, cookies, dog snacks, and chocolates for this gift basket.

Which brings me back to the kitchen? Last night. At 9:15pm. With me trying to package up all the items to put in the gift basket, as well as separate stuff I had made for a co-workers baby shower tomorrow (i.e. chocolates and cookies.) Plus avoid stepping on Blaze the Wonder Pup who is now 7 months old, and HUGE, and enjoys being right along side me, AND talk to a friend of mine, whose mom passed away and her wake is being held today. Get it? See all the things I had to juggle at once? Did you fail not to see the part where I mentioned Blaze being 7 months old, HUGE, and being under foot?

But I was coping, and getting it all done. The basket was looking oh-so-pretty, and oh-so-full. Lisa was actually laughing at a few of my stupid life stories, Blaze was bringing me her baby tiger (the one plush toy she has yet to murder) and we were fetching it between my getting the basket together. BUT THEN…but I repeat, then I see Blaze happily jogging in to the family room, was a jiggly noise. You know…like as if you were to shake a bottle of pills. And I see that she doesn’t have her squeaky sneaker (which she had switched off from her tiger to fetch with) at my feet. Woooahhhhh nelly, what did she have?

‘Blazie-butt….come. What do you have?’ I call concerned and horror stricken. She turns, with tail a wagging, and I note she DOES have a bottle of pills in her mouth. Blaze comes to me, and looks sad, with the ‘uh-oh….are you mad at me?’ look she has perfected way too quickly. So I remove the bottle from her mouth, and notice that it’s a bottle of my prescription medicine…my Zoloft.

What did Blaze do? And why am I titling this entry I’m a Good Share-er Mommy…See?Simple. Because Blaze the Wonder Pup swapped me out her squeaky sneaker (a toy which makes her happy) for my bottle of Zoloft (which keeps my anxiety at bay.) She was sharing, and expected the trade off to be a valid one. Needless to say, my bottle of meds is back upstairs in the medicine cabinet, and she was given her squeaky sneaker and some baby carrots for not destroying the bottle. Maybe that was Blaze’s way of telling me I don’t need the Zoloft anymore, because I have her. Either way, Blaze is a good share-er

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